Miami Beach Geek

Truth be told, I have never seen the beach or ocean with my own eyes IRL. This is something I hope to accomplish someday soon but I can settle for the view of a virtual one for now. I took a visit to what I'm guessing is a replica part of Miami Beach's boardwalk. I didn't wear a traditional beach outfit of course, but to the surprise of anyone that's been reading my blog (If anyone does read this thing.), it wasn't a full black wardrobe:

I am wearing:
Hair: [bonbon] - Fuu Hair
Necklace: [Hikikomori] - Bow Choker
Top: [.:villena:.] - Cropped Sweatshirt "Kawaii AF"
Bottom: [TETRA] - Anniversary Skirt
Stocking: [erratic] - Ciri Pantyhose (Distressed)
Footwear: [.STOIC.] - Daysleeper Platforms
Purse: [Loki] - PawPaw Purse


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