I'm Back

It's been seven years since I wrote in this blog and some things haven't changed while at the same time a lot has. I may still be "stuck in a rut", I may always be to a certain degree but I've never been more grown and more mature than I am now. Not only am I no longer ashamed about my mental/physical health problems, I have gained direction and have learned how to manage them unlike seven years ago. Justin and I have come such a long way that I can hardly believe just how far we've come, I've never been more proud of us in our thirteen years together. But enough about my personal life, that's the topic of another blog, let's talk about the future of this one.

I mentioned in my last post how PSHome was closing and I wanted to make this blog into something more but at that time I wasn't sure on what that "more" would be. I thought about it and decided I wanted the blog to focus mostly on the fashion I indulge in but also be about the people, places and experiences I discover throughout these virtual worlds. Because anyone that truly knows me, knows my love for character creation and virtual fashion. Here are some examples, old and new:

Final Fantasy XIV


Second Life

It's about time I do what I've always wanted to do and writing in this Blog is just the beginning. Stay tuned.


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