The Love of my Life.

     This is going to be about my one and only. <3 The person that matters most to me, my life, Justin. He is known as Undead_Sha on the PSN.

     I met Justin in Middle School. First time I ever saw him was in the cafeteria, he was walking by with a DBZ shirt on. Which was what caught my eye. To those that don't know, I was a complete DBZ nerd fanatic back then. Seeing him pass by with that shirt I had to exclaim out to him "Love your shirt!" In which he gave me a weird look and said "Thanks..."

     It wasn't then when I would really get to know him it was until Seventh Grade history class. I didn't even notice he had that class with me until I ironically was moved to sit behind him. I say ironically because we all had to sit in alphabetically order. His last name starts with 'S' and mine with 'A'. So clearly I wasn't going to be sitting near him. That was until another student needed my seat in the front for bad eye sight.


     So I had to trade her seats and was put right behind him. At first, we didn't really talk until he started being a comedian for another classmate. In an effort to make the other classmate laugh, when he would have to pass papers back to me he would just wing them at me, causing them to fly onto the floor... I would roll my eyes and chuckle a little.


     Some time later he then would start passing little pieces of paper back to me. Which had a grim reaper drawn on them which made me laugh. Soon it turned into note passing and a series of comics of the grim reaper out to get me. So in return, I would start making little comics back. I ended up making a five page comic about Inuyasha (Shut up, I was 13) being my body guard and beating the grim reaper up and slaying Justin...

This is where our friendship began.

     I would spend the rest of my time in Junior High with him as my best friend. We sat together at lunch, hung out with each other outside, hung out by the lockers during class change, talked on the phone after school. We pretty much spent as much time as we could at school together. In the Summer, we IM'd each other. His friends also became my friends. He was always acting goofy and making jokes. We were always laughing. It was only later in my life that I would I truly appreciate it. He was the shoulder I cried on when my first love broke up with me and the one to save my life when that love left me a second time. But, I won't go into those details. After that time, I felt more of a connection to him.

      We went onto Senior High and it was all the same even still. Sitting next to each other at lunch and spending any time we could together. Laughing and having a good time. Then in the Summer after Ninth Grade, I thought to myself, I love him... more than a friend.

     So I got up the nerves to tell him, even though it was over AIM, lol. It took awhile to get it out and for some reason he already figured what it was I wanted to tell him. When I finally got it out, I freaked and couldn't believe what I said. But he said it was okay and that he felt the same way.
This is where our relationship began.
     Everything was amazing. For the first time in a long time I was happy, unbelievably happy. That Summer, was a Summer not to be forgotten. Our first date, our first time holding hands, our first kiss, our first cuddle and so on...(You get the picture.)

It's been almost six years later since then. We've endured so much together. I can't say that our relationship is perfect or ever has been. No one's relationship is. We've had uncountable fights, unforgettable memories, lots of smiles, many tears and endless love and laughter. We have grown up together and have learned so much from each other. He is the love of my life and that will be forever.


  1. This is so cute!!!! <3 Thanks for sharing! You should check out my blog and comment on it and let me know what you think! Keep up the great work!


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